Reiki level one
Reiki is a wonderful tool for self-healing and personal development, as well as for channelling healing energy for others, and once you begin your Reiki journey you’ll find it is a wonderful tool that will enhance your life.
What’s great about Reiki is that it is for EVERYONE. There are no pre-requisites and anyone can learn and use it.
There are various types of Reiki, but they are all offshoots of the original form of Reiki which is known as ‘Usui’ Reiki. ‘Usui’ Reiki is the foundation of all other types of Reiki so is a fantastic starting point for learning, and it is this system that is taught here at Oracle Card Goddess.
What is Reiki?
In its simplest terms, Reiki is a natural and safe system of hands-on energy healing.
However, there is so much more to Reiki than just healing energy, it is a way of connecting to a higher source, it helps you develop your intuition, encourages spiritual growth, and can assist with meditation. It brings peace and joy into your life and can become an important part of how you live.
The following is an outline of the how Reiki I is taught at Oracle Card Goddess and what you can expect.
Welcome to Reiki!
What to expect from today.
What is Reiki?
How does Reiki work?
Why do Reiki?
The history of Reiki.
The energy body: Aura/Chakras/Meridians.
What is a Reiki attunement?
What happens during a Reiki attunement?
Meditation + first attunement
Following the attunement.
How to use Reiki?
Giving a treatment to others.
Following a treatment.
Meditation + second attunement.
Practical: giving a Reiki treatment.
Your lineage.
The Five Principles of Reiki.
Reiki organisations.
What’s next?
Before the course
To get the best out of the training the following is advisable for the seven days prior to the training day.
Refrain from drinking alcohol
Reduce caffeine consumption and eat as healthily as possible
Drink plenty of water
Get plenty of sleep.
You may also like to meditate in the days leading up to your course and begin to focus your energies on opening up to the Reiki energy.
After the course
***It is always recommended after any Reiki workshop that you have no plans for the evening***
What to bring
Just yourself! Make sure you wear comfortable clothes as there will be a practical aspect to the course where you will be giving and receiving Reiki.
You will receive a manual, and handouts on the course and a binder to put them all in.
Bring a packed lunch. Please bring a bottle of water if you wish although refreshments and snacks will be available. There is also a shop nearby to buy food and some people prefer to go for a walk at lunchtime.
£160. Includes one day workshop, case studies, one to one follow up for each participant, ongoing support. **A non-refundable £50 deposit is required to secure your place.**
Download a full information here.