Rose tea & Oracle cards
Join me for a powerful Oracle cards and ceremonial rose tea session for you to connect more deeply with your Oracle card deck, learn the basics of readings, and open up your heart space to hear your intuitive voice.
In this Sunday afternoon session you will:
Participate in a ceremonial experience with rose tea to open up your heart.
Learn the basics for a successful Oracle card reading and practice readings.
Enjoy a guided meditation with sound where you will receive an activation to connect deeply with your Oracle deck.
This session is perfect for both beginners and those looking to remind themselves of the fundamentals of reading Oracle cards, as well as to simply sit with like-minded souls and enjoy an afternoon playing with Oracle cards.
Come and discover your intuitive self and the wisdom and guidance that Oracle cards can offer!
Bring a yoga mat and cushion (spares available)
Wear comfortable clothing
Bring your favourite Oracle card deck (spares will be available to borrow)
Places are very limited for this event to ensure plenty of personal attention and time for individual questions.
We will be sitting on the floor on cushions but chairs will be available for those that prefer
There will be a lying down guided meditation/sound bath element to the session.
Contact hello@oraclecardgoddess.co.uk if you have any q!